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Universal water based primer

Tema Pittura Opaca Riempitiva di Fondo

Based on acrylic resins in aqueous dispersion. It spreads well & dries rapidly offering optimum covering power, elasticity & sanding.

Tema Pittura Opaca Riempitiva di Fondo - Ard Raccanello

Technical features

It does not contain hazardous substances, its flameproof & odourless therefore, ideal for poorly aired interiors.

High covering power

Great elasticity and sanding

For interior and exterior

Low odour

Its suitable as a filler for wooden surfaces and mural substrates. Thanks to the acrylic nature of the binder, it's also suitable for exteriors.

With brush

5-8% in water volume

With roller

5-8% in water volume

With air spray gun

10-15% in water volume


Approx. 9 m2/l with 1 layer


Sandable and recoatable after 6h

Product list


Security card


Technical data sheet



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